
admin's Latest Posts

A history of Corsham Community Centre

A history of Corsham Community Centre

In 1943/44 nine hundred and ninety nine pre-fabricated bungalows had been built in Corsham to house migrant workers coming to employment in the munitions stores one hundred feet beneath the town of Corsham. These es- tates were established on land in the area we know...
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Dated buildings in Corsham

Dated buildings in Corsham

The fine, simple, elegant, clear date-stone on the front of the house of Geoff Knapp (Hon. Vice- President of the Corsham Civic Society) in South Street, a street with an interesting number of date-stones, revealing the building develop- ment of the street, close to...
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Corsham Gardeners’ Society

Corsham Gardeners’ Society

No one is quite sure when the Society first started. The general view is that it was either late 1940’s or 1950’s, probably as a merger between two other local societies one of which was the Priory Allotments Association. We have a monthly meeting with a Speaker. The...
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The Co-Op returns to Corsham

The Co-Op returns to Corsham

Many people who are new to Corsham may not realise that there was a Co-operative stores in the town previously. It occupied the buildings that we now recognise as 51/53/55 High Street, a Veterinary surgery Walter/Macfadden, (notice the ‘Beehive ’sign in the gable to...
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Derivation of the surname Weldon

Derivation of the surname Weldon

I expected the explanation of the surname Weldon to be straightforward, but spelling variations complicate the issue. The obvious conclusion is that it is derived from the place of that name in Northamptonshire. This indeed seems to have been the source of the...
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