The Loss of HMS Montague off Lundy Island in 1906 & the Formation of the Admiralty Salvage Unit (Bath)

The Pound Arts Centre Pound Pill, Corsham

A presentation by Morgyn Davies, Chief Salvage Officer for MOD Retired on The Loss of HMS Montague off Lundy Island in 1906 and the Formation of the Admiralty Salvage Unit (Bath). Unless otherwise stated, all meetings are at the Pound Arts Centre (T: 01249 701628) at 7.30 pm. Members £2, Non-Members £5. Guests are very […]

Annual Corsham Civic Society Lunch

Amore Restaurant 21 Pickwick Road, United Kingdom

The committee are pleased to report that the annual Civic Society lunch next year will be held on Friday, February 28th, 12.30 pm for 1 pm. The venue again will be Amore, the Italian restaurant on Pickwick Road opposite the Mansion House.

Formation of the SAS

The Pound Arts Centre Pound Pill, Corsham

Lorna Almonds-Windmill tells us of her father’s involvement in the Formation of the SAS.