June and July have certainly reminded us all how warm Summers can be, but I’m sure they were hotter when I was a boy!! The Society’s Annual General Meeting was well supported and the Wine and Cheese, organised by Joan Maciver, was greatly enjoyed. Thank you Joan, and also to John and friends, for the wine and cheese which rounded off a most interesting and enjoyable evening. Sadly, Joan will be hanging up her ‘Social Organiser’s apron from next May after organising, dinners, lunches and Wine and Cheese events over a number of years. Joan has been ably supported by her husband John, so our grateful thanks goes to him also.
We’ve been sorting out the meeting dates for 2018 and Negley Harte is working hard preparing a programme of speakers and it looks as though this will be Negley’s last year doing this work so I’m sure the 2018 programme will be the best ever. He is actively looking for a successor for the Programme Organiser’s role so don’t be surprised if you get a tap on the shoulder one day from Negley wondering if you might be interested.
I am sorry that Mac McHugh was unable to speak at this month’s meeting (July) and I do assure you we looked for a replacement speaker on the subject of stained glass. I hope that you found the talk on ‘The ABC of the GWR’ of interest. I have not presented this talk before to the Society at the Pound Arts Centre, though I did give it 6 years ago at the Town Hall for one of the Heritage Open Day events. Since that time, new photographs have appeared and have been added to the talk.
I’m pleased to report that our Editor, John Maloney, has been recently co-opted as a Town Councillor for the Corsham Town Ward. John was recently interviewed on the Corsham Talking radio programme and spoke about the Civic Society and its aims, membership etc., and also about the Mansion House controversy:
As we don’t have a meeting in August I look forward to welcoming you to the September meeting which is all about the History of Education in Corsham.
Michael Rumsey
From the Chairman – July 2017