Ken with the 300-year-old jug
Ken Salter was born in Gastard, and is Corsham, born and bred. Always taking a keen interest in the life of the town. He recently told one of our members, Peter Tapscott, about a stone wear jug in his possession which was given to his mother in 1903 by Mrs Edwards of the house at Overmoor Farm Neston, for whom she used to ‘do’ on Saturday mornings as a schoolgirl, until she left school to start work proper. The jug is in good order, and has been in Ken’s care for many years.
Ken and Peter took the jug to Chippenham Museum to have it appraised and Mike Stone, the curator, dated the jug as having been made during the period 1580-1680.
The jug is now on temporary loan to the Chippenham Museum and will be put on display.
Pat Whalley