The sequel to Pickwick Capers – boldly entitled ‘Pickwick Winter Tales’ took place this winter as a Zoom event in conjunction with Corsham Regis Primary Academy last December. John Maloney has put together a record of the exercise which you can download here:
Pickwick Winters Tale Download
We put our pens to paper to write stories inspired by the Pickwick Capers. As a result, a book entitled Pickwick Winter Tales has been created. Abby Symons, headteacher of Corsham Regis Primary said:
‘It was a fantastic fusion of the traditional and modern as the Pickwick Caperers produced stories, transmitting them to the classroom via Zoom.’

Joanna Nissel, engagement manager at Paper Nations, which worked with the StoryTown festival, said:
‘It was so lovely to read the book. I really enjoyed the use of the images against the text, seeing the prompts taken in different ways by the writers, and a little more context to how the book was developed.‘
The Pickwick community invites you to step into the snow crisp landscape. Walk with them through the wealth of memories and histories that cover every inch of this Wiltshire settlement. Pickwick Winter Tales is a wonderful community writing project inspired by the success of the StoryTown festival.
Pickwick Winter Tales was compiled and designed by me and edited by Cath Maloney. Many thanks to all the contributors for their tales and keen involvement. Grateful thanks are due to Corsham Print and the Pickwick Association for their sponsorship. Acknowledgements are made to the copyright holders of the images featured under Fair Use Copyright.