Work on the new campus facility is nearing completion. To add to the library, climbing wall, café, community rooms and exhibition space opened last summer, the sports hall has now reopened following refurbishment after a flooding incident last summer. The two squash courts and the movement studio, also affected by the flooding, are currently being refurbished and are due to reopen in the coming weeks.
The final phase of the campus development includes the provision of more than fifty additional car- parking bays as well as disabled bays and minibus bays at the front of the campus. These spaces are becoming available in phases from mid- to late-March and will continue to be offered free-of- charge for campus users. The new entrance and main reception along with the refurbished dry changing facilities are scheduled for completion in early May, and the remainder of the enhanced facilities including the swimming pool, male and female wet changing facilities, new health suite, and the extended refurbished gym with spin studio are currently scheduled for completion this summer in time for the school holidays.

Springfield Community Campus
Since opening, the community exhibition space has proved very popular and has displayed a vibrant variety of local exhibitions. At present, we have a breastfeeding art exhibition, and the Wiltshire at War ‘Call to Arms’ exhibition, which launched at the campus at the end of February and will be with us until the end of March. Other upcoming exhibitions include a display by the Corsham School and local primary schools in July, which promises to be spectacular. There are currently some free spaces in the diary, so if you or your group is interested in showcasing something that represents you, or the local area, then please do get in touch.
Keep an eye out for what’s coming up at the campus over Easter. There is a lot on offer for all the family to enjoy, including a chocolate hunt and quiz for chocoholics, and a ‘Funny Bunny’ story time in the library. Budding young athletes can enrol on a climbing-wall course or a football or basketball camp with our trained coaches. For further details on these or any of our other activities and events, please come in and browse our ‘what’s on’ boards, or speak to any member of the campus team who will be pleased to advise you.
Penny Bell, Community Engagement Officer, Wiltshire Council